Transitioning To Retirement Coaching
Retirement is a goal many people look forward to, but all too often we spend our lives focused on working and don’t take the chance to pause, contemplate and plan for this equally important part of our career-life.
Retirement preparation is much more than just financial readiness – it’s also the all important psychological preparation and lifestyle planning we need to make sure we live a satisfying life when we no longer have to get up and go to work each day. Our qualified retirement coach is here to help you explore the world of exciting retirement opportunities, considerations and pathways available to you during this important phase of your career life.
Transitioning To Retirement Coaching
Retirement is a goal many people look forward to, but all too often we spend our lives focused on working and don’t take the chance to pause, contemplate and plan for this equally important part of our career-life.
Retirement preparation is much more than just financial readiness – it’s also the all important psychological preparation and lifestyle planning we need to make sure we live a satisfying life when we no longer have to get up and go to work each day. Our qualified retirement coach is here to help you explore the world of exciting retirement opportunities, considerations and pathways available to you during this important phase of your career life.
“I learnt so much in a very short space of time.”
“I learnt so much in a very short space of time.”
What Most Retirement Coaching Programs Focus On
Most retirement coaching programs focus on the financial side of retired life and act only as your financial adviser.
While financial planning is important for this new phase of a person’s life, a successful transition to retirement is about more than just money. It’s about living a life with balance, purpose and personal fulfilment.
At Outplacement Australia, our retirement coach works with people to consider what they want their future to look like and to create a retirement plan that aligns with their life goals.
This includes:
- Distilling what you want retirement to look like for you
- Understanding transition to retirement flexibility options and planning your retirement transition timeline
- Exploring Board, consulting, mentoring, business start-up, volunteering and other career transition opportunities
- Lifestyle planning and well being in retirement
How We Help Potential Retirees
Our Transition to Retirement Coaching Programs and Workshops are designed to offer individuals considering retirement the tools, strategies and pragmatic support they need to confidently navigate the complexities of the retirement phase.
The modern retirement landscape is very different to what retirement used to look like. Today, extended working lives and encore careers are increasingly common as people look to redefine retirement and reshape their lives to better balance their work and leisure.
Our retirement transition planning coaching programs and workshops cover a range of important transition-to-retirement issues and give professional advice and crucial support during the assessment and preparation phase to ensure each individual is able to enjoy a satisfying and rewarding next phase of their life.

Our retirement transition planning programs assist individuals to:
Our retirement transition planning programs assist individuals to:
- Contemplate what they want for the next phase of their life;
- Build awareness of potential options moving forward;
- Audit their current career-life needs and requirements;
- Consider their vision for the future and identify key goals;
- Assess important considerations for retirement and whole life planning;
- Develop a plan of action to achieve these retirement goals.
Program Options
One-to-One Retirement Coaching
Through personalised coaching with our experienced career transition to retirement team, we work with each individual to develop a plan for moving forward that aligns with their unique needs, goals and priorities for retirement and the future.
Armed with a comprehensive workbook each session includes a range of practical exercises, assessment tools and targeted questioning designed to help participants move through essential considerations and planning steps for transitioning to retirement.
1/2 or Full Day Workshop
Intensive workshops aimed at helping attendees assess their readiness for retirement and design a plan for moving forward that aligns with their unique needs, goals and priorities for the future.
Each attendee will be given a 40-page comprehensive workbook with a range of practical exercises and assessment tools.
Retirement doesn’t need to be the end of our career story, just the writing of a new chapter, and planned well can lead to a post-work life that satisfies us and contributes to our ultimate well-being. Contact us today to talk with us about our Transition to Retirement Programs or download our brochure.
Industry Awards & Credentials
We are committed to the highest of standards. Our team includes award-winning, certified resume writers and qualified career practitioners.
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Not familiar with outplacement? Learn more in our information section – what is outplacement?