Whilst we are committed to your satisfaction, Outplacement Australia does have terms and conditions in place that act as a framework to all our services provided. Please take the time to read these carefully before using our services and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. We are here to help.

Privacy Statement

Your privacy and confidentiality is our priority. Outplacement Australia is committed to protecting your privacy. Your personal information may be disclosed to our resume writing and career coaching contractors or any person with lawful entitlement to obtain the information as per your instruction (i.e. emailed to an email address nominated by yourself).

Your consent to the above disclosures is taken to have been given when you submit your personal information to Outplacement Australia. Your consent allows us to disclose or use your information for any reasonable purpose related to the development of your career-marketing document as contemplated by this Privacy Statement.

Further, as we have a public interest duty to co-operate with law enforcement agencies and to prevent any threat to life, health or safety of any person, we may have to disclose your personal information for such purposes. Outplacement Australia will not disclose your personal information to any other third party that is not listed above without your consent.

We have taken reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse or loss or unauthorised access. You have a right to access and to obtain a copy of your personal information. Please forward an email to our office at the above-mentioned address and we will forward you a copy.

If you require access in order to correct information, you will need to establish the information that you have previously provided was not accurate, complete or up to date. We will then take reasonable steps to correct that information so that it is accurate, complete and up to date.

Our Career Services, Coaching, Resume Writing, Documentation And Content

At Outplacement Australia, we’re passionate about helping you achieve your goals and supporting you every step of the way. Whether we are working with you to assist you with career planning and exploration, resume writing, interviewing, or coaching, we want you to have the best possible experience. To ensure clarity and mutual understanding, we’ve outlined some important terms and conditions that guide our work together. We encourage you to take a moment to read through them, knowing that our commitment to your success is at the heart of everything we do.

If you have any questions, we’re just a call or email away—here to help and guide you.


Outplacement Australia Terms and Conditions_2024

Our Commitment to You
At Outplacement Australia, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional service and high-quality products. We are dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction and will work diligently to meet your expectations. While we are committed to your satisfaction, our services are subject to the following terms and conditions. Please review these carefully, and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Resume Services

  • We are committed to making changes to documents and correcting any errors or misinterpretations of data as part of the document development process. It is the client’s responsibility to proofread and accept the final documents. All changes must be requested within 30 days of receiving the first draft. Acceptance of the documents implies satisfaction.
  • We do not guarantee that the documents we create will result in interviews or job offers.
  • Due to the varying nature of computer software and printers, we cannot guarantee that your documents will display perfectly on every computer. While we strive to ensure your satisfaction, certain technical issues may require adjustments on your end.
  • Outplacement Australia takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided by the client. Upon finalisation, all information is considered true and valid as supplied by the client. We do not research or confirm the accuracy of the information you provide.
  • While we thoroughly proofread all documentation, the final responsibility for proofreading and accepting all content lies with the client. We are not liable for any errors or omissions missed during the proofreading process.
  • We ask that you provide all requested information and collaborate with us to achieve the best results.
  • While we work tirelessly to provide the best possible support, we cannot guarantee interviews or job offers, as outcomes can be influenced by numerous external factors beyond our control.
  • Given the personalised nature of our services, all fees are non-refundable.
  • If a client is abusive, disruptive, or engages in activities that impede our ability to deliver services, we reserve the right to terminate the agreement without a refund at our discretion.

Your Responsibility & Success

We are committed to delivering the best possible outcome, and this requires a collaborative effort between us.

As the client, it is in your best interest to supply Outplacement Australia with all requested information and to work closely with us throughout the project. We rely on active client participation to achieve the best possible outcome.

You must provide all necessary information as soon as possible after the commencement date to ensure we can perform our services effectively. Should any information provided change or become inaccurate, it is your responsibility to notify Outplacement Australia promptly and provide updated, accurate, and complete information. Outplacement Australia is not obligated to continue or commence services until all relevant information is accurate and complete. Your cooperation in all reasonable respects is crucial to the success of the services we provide.

While we work diligently to support our clients, and many achieve outstanding success, Outplacement Australia cannot guarantee interviews or employment outcomes. Numerous external factors, such as changing market conditions, job posting changes, competition from other candidates, unconscious or conscious biases, and personal presentation at interviews, can impact your success. For this reason, we cannot guarantee that you will secure a job or an interview by using our services. However, we will do everything in our power to position you for success in line with your goals.

Your Content, Review, Proofreading & Revision

We want you to feel confident in the content of your documents and how they represent you. To this end, we have implemented detailed processes to ensure appropriate review.

Outplacement Australia takes no responsibility for the content within any resume, selection criteria, letter, or other documents produced on behalf of our clients.

The client is solely responsible for all content, proofreading, and acceptance of the documents. Outplacement Australia cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies in the information provided by the client, as we do not research or verify the data you supply. Our liability is limited to the completion of the work, and we assume no liability for work that has been proofread and approved by the client.

Final proofreading is the sole responsibility of the client. If corrections are needed, please raise them as soon as possible or within 10 days of receiving the draft. Acceptance of the documents implies satisfaction. Outplacement Australia is not responsible for errors or omissions that are missed during the client proofreading process.

Given the extensive work that goes into the initial draft, 1 to 2 rounds of edits are typically included. Additional revisions (3 or more) will be considered excessive and will require additional fees, charged at an hourly rate of $140.

If you decide to target a new employment sector or include new information not discussed in the initial purchase agreement, additional fees will apply. Once the final draft is accepted, the project is considered complete, and any further changes will incur new fees.

Technology & AI

At Outplacement Australia, we are committed to delivering high-quality, personalised resume services. While we may utilise AI tools to enhance efficiency and support our writing process, rest assured that every resume is crafted by a skilled human writer. Our professional resume writers create and customise each document to ensure it accurately reflects your unique experience, strengths, and career goals. AI is intended to complement, not replace, the human touch essential to creating a compelling and effective resume. As part of our commitment to providing you with comprehensive support, please note that our career coaches may also utilise AI tools to enhance the preparation and effectiveness of your coaching sessions.

Please note that we are a professional resume writing and career development firm, not computing experts. Due to the varying nature of computer software and potential page alterations based on different printers and computers, we cannot guarantee that your documents will display perfectly on every computer. While we take every step to ensure your satisfaction, certain technical issues may require adjustments on your end.


Please be aware that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as entirely secure. While Outplacement Australia strives to protect your information, we cannot warrant the security of any data you transmit to us, including credit card or other financial details. Accordingly, any information you transmit to Outplacement Australia is sent at your own risk. However, we take all reasonable steps to preserve the security of your information.

Career Coaching Services

The career coaching services provided by Outplacement Australia are designed to support and guide you, our client in your personal and professional development. While we strive to offer valuable insights, strategies, and support, the success of our coaching sessions depends on the individual effort and commitment of each client.

Please note that:

  • No Guarantees: We do not guarantee specific outcomes, such as securing a job, promotion, or achieving particular career goals. The results of coaching can vary based on numerous factors, including market conditions, the client’s actions, and external influences beyond our control.
  • Personal Responsibility: The client is responsible for implementing the strategies, advice, and actions discussed during coaching sessions. While we provide guidance, the client must take active steps to achieve their career objectives.
  • Confidentiality: All information shared during coaching sessions is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties without the client’s consent, except where required by law.
  • Professional Advice: Our career coaching services are not a substitute for professional financial, legal, psychological, or medical advice. Clients should consult with appropriate professionals for specific concerns in these areas.
  • Termination of Services: We reserve the right to terminate coaching services if a client is disruptive, fails to engage in the process, or violates the terms and conditions of our services.

By participating in our career coaching services, clients acknowledge and accept these terms and understand that their success is ultimately in their hands.

Outplacement Australia is committed to the production of quality career marketing materials. Outplacement Australia takes no responsibility for the information contained within any resume, selection criteria, letter or other document produced on behalf of our candidates/clients.

The candidate is solely responsible for all content, proofing and acceptance. Outplacement Australia cannot be held liable for information obtained from a candidate that is inaccurate or incorrect as Outplacement Australia does not research or confirm accuracy of the information provided by the candidate.

Outplacement Australia’s liability is limited to completion of work and assumes no liability for work that has been proofread and final proof approved. Outplacement Australia agrees to make changes to documents and correct errors and/or mis-interpretation of data as part of document development. Candidates will receive drafts of all work prepared by Outplacement Australia for review, comment and editing.

At this time, the client will read through the document and advise Outplacement Australia within 14 days of any changes required. All changes must be made within 14 days of receiving first draft. Satisfaction is assumed upon acceptance of documents.

After acceptance of a final draft, any changes will incur a new fee. Each client is hereby advised that failure of the client to respond within FOURTEEN (14) days of the receipt of this draft will be deemed as a completed project, with no necessary adjustments/alterations required.

After this time, further consultation or changes will be subject to fees. Outplacement Australia takes no responsibility for the information contained in the resume and upon finalisation of changes “all information is considered true and valid as provided by candidate”.

No guarantee is made regarding the ability of the documents to result in interviews or job offers due to  Outplacement Australia’s inability to determine how documents will actually be used.

Due to the varying nature of computer word processing software and the page alterations that can take place from computer to computer, based on printer and computer recognition, we cannot guarantee that your documents will appear perfectly on every computer screen. While we take every step to ensure your satisfaction, some issues are beyond our control and require you to make adjustments on your end.

Website Content Disclaimer & Advice Disclaimer

All statements made on this website are made in good faith and we believe they are accurate and reliable. Outplacement Australia does not give any warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of information that is contained in this website. Outplacement Australia, their directors, contractors, employees and their representatives do not accept any liability for any error or omission on this website or for any resulting loss or damage suffered by the recipient or any other person. Unless otherwise specified, copyright of information provided on this website is owned by Outplacement Australia.