Following a review of operations, lean sizing and centralisation of many functions was deemed necessary to drive the sustained competitiveness of this major supplier to the construction and resource industries.
This included the staged restructure of multiple branches with up to 40-50 positions expected to be affected by redundancy across frontline, trade-level, office and management positions. The company was highly concerned all staff members receive as much support as possible and after extensive market research selected Outplacement Australia to provide their staff with 3-month one-to-one career transition programs.
Construction Industry
Progressive downsizing across the Eastern seaboard.
Rolling redundancies across metropolitan and regional locations spanning over 18 months.
40-50 Positions
Affected across multiple branches
18 Month
Transition timeline
"This company had a strong, loyal, long-tenured workforce. HR Management saw outplacement support not only as the “right thing to do” but critical to the welfare of staff, many who had been with the company 20 to 30 years."
Speak with our outplacement team about how we can support you.
Planning & Execution
After liaising with the company about what they saw as the key challenges during the planned roll out of the redundancies, Outplacement Australia prepared a post-notification communication plan that ensured each staff member received emotional support following the news being broken. In this discussion we spoke with each person about how they were feeling, their unique circumstances and how we could help. In the meetings that followed each person gained assistance to assess potential directions and opportunities.
They worked with our specialist resume team who partnered with them to identify and articulate key work achievements and who then designed a resume aligned with their current goals.
The resume team also provided assistance with application letter development, recruiter introduction letters, direct-to-company introduction letters and LinkedIn profile development.
Due to the long length of tenure for many staff, a large number of individuals had not experienced an interview for many years and were quite understandably nervous, and many also had limited familiarity with 21st century job search methodologies. They worked with our coaches to build their interview skills and confidence, and to develop effective strategies for uncovering and capitalising on potential market opportunities. They also worked with our coaches during assessment of potential job offers and during important salary negotiations. A tailored career resource manual was also given to each person.

The program was highly successful in transitioning affected staff to new roles. The organisation was highly satisfied with the support provided and operated as a referee for Outplacement Australia for other companies considering using Outplacement Australia’s services.
Feedback from participants included:
“The confidence boost and avenues are to name a few (of the positives) but the comments I received on the quality of my resume were awesome and the hardest thing was which job to take as there were offers hand over fist and one company offered a position more than once.”
“Simply no words to say thanks to Adrian and Rebecca, thank you so very much for making my profile report and my resumes. Talking to Adrian in those tough times was a great motivation.”
“Simply no words to say thanks to Adrian and Rebecca, thank you so very much for making my profile report and my resumes. Talking to Adrian in those tough times was a great motivation.”
Industry Awards & Credentials
We are committed to the highest of standards. Our team includes award-winning, certified resume writers and qualified career practitioners.
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Not familiar with outplacement? Learn more in our information section – what is outplacement?