When it comes to making a successful career transition, the trick is to arm yourself with the very best advice.  Here are five of my favourite books and what I classify ‘top reads’ in the career advice genre currently.


Résumés for Dummies by Laura De Carlo. Laura De Carlo has been a leading voice in the resume industry for more than a decade and was the ideal person to author the latest version of this invaluable resource.  This book is filled with the very latest information on structuring and presenting your resume and comes with oodles of high quality resume samples across all levels and professions. It’s the ideal guide for those looking to write their own resume.

Job Search

What Color is My Parachute? 2015 A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers by Richard N. Bolles. This book is one of the most respected books in its field. There is one reason that it has sold more than 10 million copies – it offers good commonsense advice and information on contemporary career management and job search.  This is a no-brainer book purchase.

Personal Branding

Career Distinction – Stand Out by Building Your Brand by William Arruda & Kirsten Dixon. Personal Branding is an area of growing interest to most professionals in the current rapidly changing world of work. This book provides great practical guidance on how to build your brand and credibility with authenticity.  It was my first introduction to personal branding and a book I have given to many peers and clients.

Selection Criteria

How to Write and Talk to Selection Criteria, by Dr. Ann Villiers. Most career coaches who work with individuals in the public sector will have a copy of this great book on their bookshelf to direct their clients to when applying for Australian government jobs or to companies using selection criteria in their recruitment process.   It explains in detail how to respond effectively to selection criteria to maximise your chances of moving forward into the interviewing stage.

Executive Job Search

The Executive Job Search by Orion Wood. Executive job search requires a unique approach and this practical book steps professionals through a strategic executive job search campaign spanning from identifying your targets through to negotiation and transitioning into the role.

Happy reading!!! Look out for our upcoming article on top Australian Career Books.

PS. Let me know any others you think should be added to my next list!

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